The Brief
KI provided innovative and business efficient storage solutions for the new Bristol office following an in-depth assessment of five storage manufacturers. KI was selected as the most suitable and competitive for the client who was looking to develop a standard for their offices across the UK, and sought an imaginatively designed product to compliment the design of their new environment whilst providing tangible business efficiency benefits.
Our Solution
800 Series Storage - This metric lateral storage range with individually locking drawer, receding door units has matching lockers. Also included were custom-designed special oversized magnetic drawer divider to split the drawers into two compartments for individual use. The drawers and receding doors also feature business card holders. New added features include an improved design of the cupboard and receding doors along with new hinges which ensure unique dampened closure on receding doors. The cabinets were finished in high gloss white finish, punctuating key areas with some accent units in a vibrant yellow. Veneered cladding was also wrapped around low, three high cabinets which created an attractive landscaping feature.
More Information
Date - 2012
Project Type - New office