The brief
Servicing sales and marketing professionals who spend over 50% of their time out of the office, the Business Centre needed effective systems to provide individually locking filing and storage compartments.
Our solution
700 Series storage* - After a rigorous competitive analysis, Unisys selected the KI 700 Series lateral filing and storage system. The Baker’s Court building in Uxbridge, houses 900 staff, with nearly 200 ‘hotelling’ at Unisys’s sophisticated Business Centre.
*Since this project was completed, the 700 Series storage has been replaced by 800 Series in the UK and Europe. Rather than importing the 700 Series from the USA, we now manufacture the 800 Series in the UK, and have incorporated local modifications such as compatibility with the metric system for ease of filing. Aesthetically the 700 and 800 Series are indistinguishable, available in any custom colour required.
Mary-Louise Gray, Projects Director, UnisysWe wanted to double capacity and maximise floorplate utilisation- and the KI system helps us achieve that aim.
More information
Project Size - 900 staff
Date - 2006
Project Type - New school
Project Partners - Alligan, Portsdown Education, Fielden Clegg, Bradley Studios
Website - www.unisys.com